Manipulating a peg is great for developing those fine motor skills that children need for using pencils and gaining good control for writing.
These children had lots of practice this week!
Number skills were also incorporated into this - Lots and lots of counting!
We pegged up numerals for children to match, as well as ordering numbers.
Some children were able to name numerals too.
Little fingers peeled and pierced some of the soft peppers in the outdoor kitchen.
There was some very interesting looking soup!
There were lots of giggles and some wonderful performances in the puppet theatre! Puppets sang songs, danced and did lots of talking this week.
It was particularly pleasing to hear children asking each other questions and responding as the puppet character.
And next week....
we will be having lots of fun with the story of The Enormous Turnip, in addition to investigating pumpkins, pomegranates and peppers!