Friday 30 September 2016

Autumn delights


The children have taken time to enjoy the treasures that come with Autumn. We are blessed with many trees in our outdoor environment and masses of leaves have been falling!

There has been lots of fun with burying wellies in the leaves as well enjoying the wonderful rustling and crunching sounds as the children have jumped on and trodden in them.

The horse chestnut tree has been supplying us with seemingly endless conkers too! We had to dodge a few that fell while we were under the tree!


Going on a conker hunt was very exciting!
"Come and look! It's a tiny conker!"..."My bucket's nearly full"..."I've got more than you"...
Next the children arranged their collections on the ground. With support they counted how many they had and we talked about how long some of the lines were.

Back indoors the arranging and counting continued.

This young lady spent a great deal of time in the fruit and veg shop studying what happened to the balances and dial scales when she added or took away items. 

Following the children's interest in sound making last week, the introduction of a keyboard was very popular. The children worked out how to change the sounds by pressing certain buttons and they also discovered the preset tunes - resulting in "Jingle Bells" being heard throughout the room!
There has been some super story telling this week, and it has been pleasing to see children sharing and enjoying stories together, maintaining their focus for long periods of time.
Another great week of fun and learning!