What do shapes do?
In the construction area we have all sorts of boxes, containers and objects - the children were encouraged to see for themselves how shapes behaved.
This threading activity was great for finding out about the bead shapes, as well as practising our fine motor skills at the same time! It also prompted lots of discussion about colours.
The children were quick at identifying objects that rolled, and found lots of them!
They also thought the penguin would roll - he just sat there to begin with, until he was given a bit of a push, and then the children were amused to see him slide down the slope!
Indoors and outdoors we went on a shape hunt, to spot anything that would roll.
Hoops, balls, tyres, wheels, conkers, apples, beads, Mrs Courtney's pen.... the list seemed endless!
We explore the marks we could make when wheels roll.
This threading activity was great for finding out about the bead shapes, as well as practising our fine motor skills at the same time! It also prompted lots of discussion about colours.
There have been many times this week when I could almost hear the children's minds thinking things through - so much learning has been going on! Well done Little Conkers!