Our week began with going to explore the whole school Harvest Festival display in the hall. The children were amazed by so much food!
They named the foods they could see that they liked to eat. Scooby Doo tinned spaghetti was spotted by one very observant child!
We talked about how Harvest time is a special time for saying Thank you to God for all the lovely foods we enjoy. We also talked about this food being collected to help others who do not have as much as us - this year the school is supporting our local Food Bank, The Sleaford Community Food Larder.
Some of the children asked questions about the cross and the candles.
The children were fascinated by the aubergine! They gently smelt and touched it. "Can we open it?" asked Charlotte.
The next day we cut an aubergine in half, and the children looked very surprised!
"It feels a bit like cheese" commented Luke. "It's a bit squidgy!" added Theodore.
The children wanted to cut open some of the other vegetables on the table.
There was lots of interest in all the vegetables, and plenty of opportunities to introduce new words and to encourage the children to explore and describe textures.
Our explorations this week also extended into Autumn and to looking at what is happening in the world around us. We gathered all sorts of natural objects from our outdoor area.
Some of us also went walking in the village with our mums and dads and collected some different objects, which we brought in to share with the rest of the children.
We found many different leaves, and compared the colours and sizes, looking closely to see if any matched.
There is so much to learn about our wonderful world in Autumn!
Next week..... trees and leaves - printing, threading....