Saturday, 17 October 2015

Amazing Autumn!


On Monday morning the children spotted the pumpkin and immediately tried to cut it to see the inside! the plastic knives and spoons slipped, and bounced off the tough skin. One very determined child managed to pierce the skin and there were shouts of delight!

"It's very heavy!" was heard several times by surprised children lifting the pumpkin.
The children used some great words to describe how the pumpkin felt and smelt -
"Like ice cream"
"It tickles!"


We have some incredible trees in our grounds!
Most days someone tries to climb this one!


 It was wonderful watching the children having fun together in the heaps of fallen leaves.
They scooped handfuls up and threw them high into the air, laughing and shouting with delight.

Next was the messy part! From the bucketfuls of leaves we collected the children chose some to paint and print.
 It was very interesting watching how the children approached this activity. Some clearly favoured particular colours, some worked through the colour choices in the order they were laid out. Others mixed colours on leaves. The effects achieved by all were stunning!