Saturday 2 July 2016

Little Conkers exploring and learning

The children are familiar with paint colour mixing, and some often choose to do this. This week powder paints were available to explore. There were some great observations about how the powder looked and how it changed when water was added. One child even asked questions about melting and dissolving!
The changes in consistency also fascinated the children. Vocabulary such as thicker, runny, liquid, watery, lumpy was used.

The children have been checking the growth of the strawberries ever since they spotted the flowers some weeks ago. This week red strawberries were noticed and everyone gathered around excitedly!
The children picked the ripe strawberries. Then it was indoors to wash and to taste them! 

The children noticed someone had eaten parts of some of the strawberries already! They thought it could have caterpillars, bugs, worms or birds - maybe next year we need to set up a camera to see who visits our garden when we are not there! 

Just after we had tasted the strawberries, the fruit scheme monitors came in with bags of peppers for snack time. This was the first time we had had these and the children were very curious about them! An ideal opportunity to compare fruits and vegetables!
Did they look, smell, taste the same as the strawberries? What would they look like inside? 
The children loved the crunch sound as I cut the peppers!
Later on in the week we had sugar snap peas for snack time - the children were again fascinated by them and asked lots of questions as they enjoyed them.

In our garden we spotted some pea pods growing on our plants - some of the children excitedly told us they had pods on the pea plants they had been growing at home.
It has been a great experience for the children to observe the growth of our potato, pea and strawberry plants over the last couple of months.
 We went to see the allotment on our school field which has been set up and tended by the gardening club. We were amazed by how much was growing.
We talked about the names of the vegetables,and compared the leaves, flowers and heights of them with what was growing in our garden. The children thought the name "runner beans" was highly amusing, as well as "chilli peppers"! 

The children have been focusing on their pencil control skills this week and is so pleasing to see them practising and developing all the time.