Sunday 10 July 2016

Light, shadows and colour

To link in with the whole school exciting science focus Little Conkers were little scientists this week! 
The huge dark tent has been very popular as the children have armed themselves with torches and giggled with delight, entering the dark dark space and investigating sparkly objects hanging from the ceiling as well as mirrors and a range of items on the light table.

 The arrival of a quaint old overhead projector (before the days of digital projectors!) stimulated much discussion. One child thought it might be a time machine!!

Together the children worked out where the switch was and that it needed to be plugged in to work. And then the fun began!

"I'm big!"... "Whose arm is that?"... "My shadow is waving!"

 Shadow puppets was fun but it took the children some time to work out how to keep their own shadow out of the way and just display the puppet shadows.

We posed some questions - Does everything look bigger on the screen? Why do things look bigger? Why do some things look grey and other things show their actual colour?

 How can you make your shadow even bigger?

 The addition of rainbow blocks created more opportunities to explore, as well as pose for the camera!
 It was very pleasing to watch children talking to each other as well as observing the effects they could achieve. "I've got an idea!" was heard frequently, followed by blocks being moved around and other children commenting on what had changed.

Observing light shining on and through objects captured the children's interest. Sometimes there was silence as they studied and thought about what was happening. 

Our week has been full of children observing, thinking, trying things out, having ideas and adapting them as well as predicting outcomes.
We're hoping the sun will shine next week so that we can use these coloured blocks outdoors and explore the effects of natural light!
As you can see, we did manage to create some colourful effects with bubbles outdoors!