Sunday 22 May 2016

A bit of everything and a whole lot of learning!

This week the aim was to investigate shape in different ways to stimulate language and promote thinking skills.
Working with huge shape outlines was a good talking point. Straightaway the children were commenting about size, length, corners and some blocks rolling around. 
"This is taking SO long to fill!" one child said.
 Making 2D shapes using straws was trickier than it looked! The children started to distinguish between sides and corners. They were counting the sides, checking the number needed. There were opportunities to talk about "same length", "short sides", "long sides" too.

The possibilities are endless when you have a great imagination! This week we had cars, buses, houses...
Shape and space also came into this play with children spending a great deal of time adapting their creations so that there was room for them and their friends inside.

 The addition of an old computer keyboard prompted a little office!
These two children added lights and switches to their car. Later on they even made flags with their names on to ensure everyone knew whose car it was!


There has been a great deal of sound coming from our room this week! What has been particularly pleasing has been seeing children exploring together the sounds using the keyboard. Simple songs have been made up, repeated rhythms introduced with percussion instruments.
The preset tunes have been a constant source of entertainment and I've loved seeing the children swaying, bouncing and moving in a range of ways to the musical styles they have heard!