Friday 15 April 2016

Spring is here!


We have spotted new buds and flowers outdoors, and this week we have been planting lots of seeds. 
We looked at and carefully handled the seed potatoes - there were lots of great comments - "it looks like a snowman"..."it looks like it's got a face and arms".

As we planted we talked about how long it might take the potatoes to grow - children suggested times from 3 minutes to 1000 years! 

 We also wondered what we would see growing first - one child said the roots, another child thought we would see a flower. 

Because the children were unsure of the answers to some of the questions posed, we said we would find out by watching them as they grew, and then we would know for sure.

During the week we also watched a video clip about farmers in Lincolnshire planting potatoes and how the potatoes grew and then went to the factory and from there to the shops.

We planted more seeds in our little garden.

Mangetout peas.

Sweet peas.

 We planted the nasturtium seeds in the same pots as the daffodils, which are still blooming!
Indoors we each planted a mangetout pea seed - we will be looking after these and some of us thought they would grow as tall as a giant! 

Next week we will be looking closely to see whether any of the seeds have started to grow.
We will also be finding out more about what plants are growing in our wonderful school grounds.