Saturday 19 March 2016

No time to stop, too busy!

The children have been full of ideas and making the most of the wonderful spaces we have outdoors.


Time for some music making...

Where will the water go if I pour it down here?...

Some serious digging!

Mmm, vanilla soup was being cooked
in the outdoor kitchen


The children had an instruction card and made their own salt dough this week. They were very excited, and made sure they did it correctly!!

There were lots of opportunities to talk about measuring and the need to follow the instructions.
What is a cupful or a spoonful? Vocabulary including full, nearly/almost full, half full, overflowing was used a great deal.

And then of course followed the joy of playing with our very own dough!
stretching it, rolling it, squeezing it, making a pancake to toss...

We dressed in our sports clothes and brought money to help children and families who don't have as much as we do. We learnt about a little girl called Jinnat, in Bangladesh, who can now go to nursery because of people collecting money like we were doing.

Then it was time to have oodles of fun not just exercising our fingers and arms with dough disco, but giving our whole bodies a workout!
The Banana Splits song was ideal for bopping to!

These are just a few great times from this week. Mrs Courtney struggled to choose what to put on the blog this week, as there was so much great learning going on! Keep it up Little Conkers!