Sunday, 20 September 2015

Getting better and better the more we practise!

It's been a very industrious week in Little Conkers!

Our focus was on developing our gross and fine motor skills, 
with lots of opportunities to practise mark making. 
Our little fingers have hardly stopped!
The interactive whiteboard is great for enormous pictures!
What a super drawing of the whole family!
These two smiling artists spent lots of time exploring the
different lines, shapes, colours and lines available to use.
Lovely team work and conversation too.
Lots of concentration!
Cutting and sticking also involves skills such as
hand eye coordination and scissor control.

Giant chalks are great to use!

Lots of opportunities here for careful placing of pieces to balance them.

 Pedalling, steering, brushing, holding on, pulling our bodies up, coordinating our limbs, being aware of others around us - no wonder our bodies are tired by the end of the day!