Saturday, 26 September 2015

Because I'm happy!


What a fantastic week we've had!  We introduced "Dough disco!", a daily workout to music with play dough, which incorporates a series of hand and finger exercises. These strengthen and develop children’s fine and gross motor dexterity and grip in a wonderfully fun way! 
We got those fingers, hands and arms moving to the song "Happy".
    We got so carried away that there were a few instances of dough flying through the air, including Mrs Courtney's!               
                                     Stretch up high and squeeze!

                                             Take Peter Pointer up the steps... 
                                         time for him to dive down into the dough!

Next week we're going to step up the pace with the song "I like to move it, move it"!



On Friday we went on an exciting journey up to Upper School, and were treated to the older children sharing stories with us.
We invited them down to Little Conkers room next week, and they said yes! We can't wait - even more stories!

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Getting better and better the more we practise!

It's been a very industrious week in Little Conkers!

Our focus was on developing our gross and fine motor skills, 
with lots of opportunities to practise mark making. 
Our little fingers have hardly stopped!
The interactive whiteboard is great for enormous pictures!
What a super drawing of the whole family!
These two smiling artists spent lots of time exploring the
different lines, shapes, colours and lines available to use.
Lovely team work and conversation too.
Lots of concentration!
Cutting and sticking also involves skills such as
hand eye coordination and scissor control.

Giant chalks are great to use!

Lots of opportunities here for careful placing of pieces to balance them.

 Pedalling, steering, brushing, holding on, pulling our bodies up, coordinating our limbs, being aware of others around us - no wonder our bodies are tired by the end of the day!

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Enjoying the outdoors


Gone fishing!

Have you caught anything yet?

Lots of stretching, climbing and balancing
It was great to see the children having a go
with equipment they hadn't used before.

The children's confidence is growing.

And of course, we left time for an action song!

Here we go round the mulberry bush...

This is the way we eat our breakfast, eat our breakfast, eat our breakfast..
on a cold and frosty morning.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

What a great start!

Little Conkers has been a hive of activity 

the first few days back!

                                       Busy, busy, busy!

Artists at work.

                               Construction workers digging up the road                                      - and they made a tidy job of it too!

One of our little artists painted
5 pictures, all different! 

             Always time for a picnic, outdoors or in!
Apparently the pirate and
his friends were going on a very long journey!
                                                        Lots of fixing!
We are very excited to have a sound wall, courtesy of Mr Courtney!
We possibly have a rock band in the making from the sounds heard by some very enthusiastic musicians!